

Anyone who tries fasting or even practices it regularly hopes for inner cleansing, reflection, a reset for body and mind. But optical effects such as tighter, purer skin, radiant eyes and of course more life energy are also the goal.
The tradition of fasting is very old. The Greek doctor Hippocrates (460-375 BC) is said to have advised: "If you want to stay strong, healthy and young, be moderate, exercise your body, breathe clean air and heal your pain more by fasting than by medication."

Fasting is not a diet
There are different methods for fasting, which vary greatly in length, content and procedures.

Basically, an absence of solid food for at least five days is called fasting. But the approaches are different and there is a wide range - some types of fasting include teas, milk and bread rolls, juices, certain fruits, vegetables or powder. Fasting and base fasting are known and remain.

Be sure to note
Any healthy adult can fast. For the first time, however, this should only be done with expert guidance and if possible accompanied. Often the first days of fasting are accompanied by complaints, where a qualified contact person is helpful.

Before starting a fasting cure, you should always speak to your family doctor to ensure that your health status can handle this. A recently recovered illness or a weak phase that has just been overcome are not favorable prerequisites for fasting.

Anyone taking medication regularly (for example, for high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes) should also have this checked by a doctor.

Schwangere, Stillende, Kinder und Jugendliche unter 14 Jahren und Menschen mit ernsten Vorerkrankungen (auch geistiger Natur, wie z.B. Depressionen oder Psychosen) oder nach einer schweren Infektionskrankheit sollten nicht fasten.

Beim Fasten lässt man es möglichst entspannt und ruhig angehen. Streben Sie zunächst fünf Fastentage an und sehen dann, wie es läuft und sich anfühlt. Das kann bei jedem und bei jedem mal Fasten unterschiedlich sein.

Beginnen Sie am besten an einem Wochenende und planen Sie, wenn möglich, keine anstrengenden Termine für den angedachten Fastenzeitraum ein.

Anfänger sollten nach fünf Tagen das Fasten brechen. Erfahrene und wiederholt Fastende können länger fasten, doch mehr als 35-40 Tage sind nicht empfehlenswert.

Fasting and mindfulness
No excessive ambition and a good feeling for your body and well-being are helpful companions. Be careful with yourself! It is also important to ensure that there is sufficient hydration!

Initial discomfort and weakness should go away after a few days. If you feel like it, walks and light physical activity or training are allowed - and are quite beneficial and supportive of detoxification. Yoga and meditation also fit very well into the contemplative, reduced Lent.

Last but not least, breaking the fast, i.e. the measured, slow, careful and attentive resumption of 'normal eating', is a not to be neglected part of a fasting cure. Fasting is only complete and healthy if you gradually get used to solid food, depending on the methodology, followed by so-called build-up days. Fasting must not be stopped abruptly!

Let the fasting take effect

... and continue to avoid sugar, white flour and alcohol. This is how fasting can be the start of a healthy and conscious change in diet and make it easier.
